Friday, February 26, 2010

Today went to school at around 7plus with my sister. Bused 147 to punggol park then walked to school. Had test and freaking wasted alot of our precious time because they printed wrongly :\ And that Fahmi hit me by his school tie -.- So freaking pain la and I cried la. Zzz. Went to 401 and had our lunch there with my sister and carris. Saw mabelene, ron, leon and cohen. Chit-chat awhile and bused 147 home. Ard 3plus, went to find my DEAR ka-cheng and slack at aunt's house till 6plus, then walked down to north vista primary to fetch my ka-cheng with DEAR FIONNA and my sister. After that went home to take my stuff then bused 72 to hougang mall to find my ka-cheng and aunt. Had dinner there and shop for awhile then bused back to aunt's house. Will be staying at there with my ka-cheng :D Got to go lerh. Bye!

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